Monday, January 23, 2006

Now it's time for the nitty gritty.

And now it's time to play my most favorite of games, qu'est-ce qu'on mange ce soir.

Notice the completely unidentifiable meat floating in a sauce of godknowswhat. The foyer Foche has the amazing ability to produce food that is both completely tasteless (notice the packets of salt) and completely overcooked. If anyone can help me identify what I
ate on Thursday, please email me.

Katie obviously disapproves:

Katie: "I feel rancid just thinking about it." Katie adds, "it was like some hard shell with some anonymous flesh inside."

Ok, so, we need guidelines on how to eat at the foyer de Foche. Severine, luckily, came up with them:

"The first mouthful you think it's okay, you think 'I can eat this'. But by the fifth you realize you can't go on and that you're going to vomit. So it's best to eat it as quickly as possible and try not to chew."

And Katie has 208 Euros on her card, this means she has to eat this shit. Me:

I paid 6.65 Euro for this, which is like 8 bucks. Katie says, diminishing part of the humour (Katie's watching me) of this story, "it's about 4 quid, pretty cheap actually, not that any human should be allowed to ingest this type of stuff."


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